
Ten Questions with Aleks Romano

Aleks Romano, Mezzo-Soprano

Carmen – Carmen

1.  Where were you born? Where were you raised?

Born in New Haven, CT, and raised in Hamden, CT. Now live in Greenville, NC.

2.  If you weren’t a singer, what profession would you be in?

My childhood dream was to be the first woman archaeologist on Mars … Opera is close. If I weren’t a singer, realistically, I’d be some sort of physical therapist or sports therapist.

3.  The first opera I was ever in was…

…the chorus of Zemlinsky’s Der Zwerg during the summer after my freshman year of college at the Bard Music Festival. I don’t remember a single note of the opera. So sad!

4.  My favorite opera is…

Carmen, of course! No, really, it’s Carmen. Tied with Werther. #mezzodreams

5.  My favorite food to cook or eat is…

I’m fully Italian, so I love all things pasta, but I can’t eat all of that while I’m singing. My favorite thing to cook is lasagna, with homemade meat sauce, béchamel, and homemade noodles. But that happens about once a year.

6.  People would be surprised to know… 

I was a college volleyball player for three of my four years at Bard College before I had to quit because I was yelling too much. Turns out that is incompatible with singing. Who knew?

7.  If I could travel anywhere, real or fantasy, I would travel to…

REAL OR FANTASY!? It’s like you know me. Hmm. I would definitely go wiz around Fantastica on Falkor, and then I’d find myself somewhere in the Star Wars universe, and I’d probably end up back on earth on the Zimbabwe coast or Santorini.

8.  I like to binge-watch…

Everything? Is that fair? Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who are my repeat offenders. I love crime shows and anything about superheroes.

9.  What four people (living or deceased) would you like to invite for a dinner party?

Leonard Bernstein, Michelle Obama, Marilyn Horne, and Leo Tolstoy

10.  Everyone should see Carmen because….

Because your leading lady says to, and she always get what she wants… But also because you already know almost all of it from all sorts of places, and you probably didn’t even realize it was opera. And we have bull fighters. Who doesn’t love bull fighters?

11.  Bonus: One question you wish someone would ask you (and the answer).

Q: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

A: Bring food, art, and love to every person on the planet. And then find a way to get to Mars, because childhood dream

Don’t miss the chance to see Aleks in Carmen, Bizet’s breathtaking opera. Performances are November 3 & November 5 in Overture Hall.  Tickets start at $18; visit for more information.

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