Don Giovanni
by W. A. Mozart
sung in Italian with projected English translations
Friday, May 2 at 7:30pm
Sunday, May 4 at 2:30pm
Overture Hall
Seduction, Danger, and Eternal Consequences.
According to his not-so-little black book, Don Giovanni has seduced thousands of women across Europe. Over the course of a scandalous few days, his misadventures come back to literally haunt him, as Mozart’s brilliant score whirls people in and out of the Don’s midst.
Don Giovanni has thrilled and scandalized audiences from its first note to its last for centuries. Don’t miss its return to Madison for the first time in 12 years!
Don Giovanni
by W. A. Mozart
Libretto by Lorenza Da Ponte
Premiered 29 October 1787, Estates Theatre, Prague
Previously at Madison Opera: 2013, 2001, 1991
Approximate run time: 3 hours, including 1 intermission
Content Warning
Appropriate for ages 12 and up.
Mature themes, including violence and assault. Contact with any questions.
Read a plot synopsis, courtesy of the Metropolitan Opera
Audio Description is available at the Sunday matinee. Visit our Accessibility section for more information.

Charles Eaton
Don Giovanni

Katerina Burton
Donna Anna

Emily Fons
Donna Elvira

Sachie Ueshima

Andrew Stenson
Don Ottavio

Jeremiah Sanders

Ashraf Sewailam
The Commendatore

Lifan Deng
Kato & David Perlman
Cyrena & Lee Pondrom
Kennedy Gilchrist &
Heidi Wilde
Fran Klos
Patricia & Stephen Lucas
Sally & Mike Miley
Thomas Terry
Ann Lindsey
In memory of Chuck Snowdon
The Ann Stanke Fund