
Ten Questions with Nmon Ford

Ten Questions with…

Nmon Ford, baritone
Scarpia in Tosca

1. My favorite thing about being a singer is:
The sitzprobe (literally “seated rehearsal”): the first full orchestral run-through of the opera. After days or weeks of rehearsal with only piano, I enjoy the excitement of hearing the instrumentalists tearing into any score that I enjoy greatly, like Tosca or Salome. Alternate favorite thing: singing arias center stage with a spotlight (let’s keep this real).

2. The greatest challenge in being a singer is: 

Not living entirely in the future. The way this career works, and with what’s required to pursue it fully, it’s difficult not to view life in terms of the next rehearsal, or the next gig, or the next season.

3. A live music performance I’ve attended that I will never forget is:
Rachelle Ferrell. Genius— and I seldom use that word.

4. A few of my favorite films are: 
Aliens. And The Avengers was good.

5. Three things I can’t live without are:
Good weather, ice cream, and Zara.

6. My number one hobby is:
Sleeping late.
7. If you could perform with any singer, retired or deceased, who would it be?
Donny Hathaway.

8. If you weren’t a singer, what profession would you be in?
Chief Networking Officer at a corporate strategy firm.

9. What role do you wish you could sing that you could never sing because it’s the wrong voice type/gender?
Either the Grand Inquisitor (Don Carlo) or Otello.

10. Describe your favorite moment on stage. 

Most recently, my sitzprobe for Salome in Bordeaux earlier this year. Gave me chills.

Bonus: One question you wish someone would ask you (and the answer).
Have you ever been surprised by your love for (or dislike of) a role?

I expected not to enjoy singing the title role in Attila in Italy a couple of seasons ago, but it ended up being some of the most fun I’ve ever had onstage. The entire experience was like singing an opera in Parma circa 1957. Conversely, I thought I’d like Falke in Die Fledermaus; I was mistaken.

See Nmon in Madison Opera’s production of Puccini’s Tosca November 1 & 3 in Overture Hall. Tickets start at just $18why wait?

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