
Ten Questions with Scott Piper

Ten Questions with…

Scott Piper, tenor
Cavaradossi in Tosca

1. My favorite thing about being a singer is:
Having the ability to travel and perform with fantastic colleagues.

2. The greatest challenge in being a singer is: 
Staying healthy in the midst of the constant travel.

3. A live music performance I’ve attended that I will never forget is:

Ray Charles performing “Georgia” at the opening of the Schuster Performing Arts Center in Dayton, Ohio.

4. A few of my favorite films are: 
La Strada
Kissing Jessica Stein

5. Three things I can’t live without are:
Beef Jerky
Marshmallow Peeps

6. My number one hobby is:

7. If you could perform with any singer, retired or deceased, who would it be?
Aureliano Pertile.

8. If you weren’t a singer, what profession would you be in?

9. What role do you wish you could sing that you could never sing because it’s the wrong voice type/gender?

10. Describe your favorite moment on stage. 

The moment before the first downbeat of the score.

See Scott in Madison Opera’s production of Puccini’s Tosca November 1 & 3 in Overture Hall. Tickets start at just $18why wait?

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