
Ten Questions with J. Adam Shelton

Ten Questions with…

J. Adam Shelton, tenor
Howard Boucher in Dead Man Walking

1. My favorite thing about being a singer is:

I love learning something new!  There’s so much great music out there to sing that challenges every part of our brains.  Plus, I really dig all the languages and different interpretations for pieces! It truly is a versatile career! 

2. The greatest challenge in being a singer is: 
Cold and flu season!  When your body is your instrument, a cold or the flu can knock you back a few days.

3. A live music performance I’ve attended that I will never forget is:
I really enjoyed seeing Linda Eder live in 2012 and meeting her afterwards.  She met the 10 of us in the lobby in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and talked for quite a while before hitting the road.  Best birthday gift EVER!
4. A few of my favorite films are: 
Comedies – I love to laugh! (Top 3: Drop Dead Gorgeous, Sister Act, & Young Frankenstein)

5. Three things I can’t live without are: 
My iPhone, a caramel macchiato from Starbucks, and some sunshine!

6. My number one hobby is: 
No kidding – I am really good at knitting.  Kristine McIntyre actually encouraged me during Ballo to learn a skill that revolutionized my knitting.  Otherwise, I’m becoming a great cook!

7. If you could perform with any singer, retired or deceased, who would it be?
BEVERLY SILLS – hands down…

8. If you weren’t a singer, what profession would you be in?
I was actually a deaf education major before I majored in music.  I learned signed English and a whole lot of ASL signs but never got to the point of learning proper ASL grammar.  I remember signs at random times, but don’t ask me to finger spell…you’ll never understand it.

9. What role do you wish you could sing that you could never sing because it’s the wrong voice type/gender?
…..Tosca….. who wouldn’t want to take that jump after singing the whole show?
10. Describe your favorite moment on stage. 

I find myself thinking about the times I sang in Italy with my summer programs.  We were on the beach one night performing Boheme in an open air theatre.  I had the fortunate pleasure of singing Rodolfo and during “Che gelida”, I was actually able to point to the full moon hanging over the ocean while holding on to a beautiful soprano’s hand.  It was truly magical (and warm)!  I could hang out in that moment forever!

Bonus: One question you wish someone would ask you (and the answer)
What’s the best practical joke you’ve ever played?
I enjoy wishing people a happy birthday and seeing what kind of response it warrants from the world.  One time, I wished a friend happy birthday on Facebook while we were doing a show together (even though it wasn’t really his birthday) and a considerable number of people wished him a happy birthday on his page.  The directors caught wind of his “birthday” not knowing it was a fake and ended up buying him a cake and bringing it to the theatre!  I laughed for a solid 30 minutes, ESPECIALLY when he showed up and saw the cake.  Not all jokes end in deliciousness and probably never will!

See Adam in Madison Opera’s production of Jake Heggie’s Dead Man Walking April 25 and 27 at Overture Hall. Tickets start at just $18!

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