
10 Questions with Levi Hernandez

Levi Hernandez
Alvaro in Florencia en el Amazonas 

1.  Where were you born and raised?
I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. 

2.  If you weren’t a singer, what profession would you be in?
Hard question!  Some kind of surgical tech.  Both of my siblings are in the medical field (my sister is a doctor and my brother is a nurse), so maybe I have that in me somehow. 

3.  The first opera I was ever in was…
Don Giovanni in El Paso. I understudied Masetto. 

4.  My favorite opera is…
The Rake’s Progress. 

5.  My favorite food to cook or eat is…
Anything Greek! I can’t make it, but I love it. Enchiladas are my favorite to make. 

6.  People would be surprised to know…
I just recently went back to school for my Master’s degree while maintaining a career. 

7.  If I could cruise down any river in the world, it would be … 
…the Nile. I’ve always wanted to see Egypt.

8.  I like to binge-watch…

Television Españolas – TVE’s el Ministerio del Tiempo. 

9.  What four people would you like to invite for a dinner party?
J.S. Bach, Freddie Mercury, Stephen Lord, and Tom Ford – incredible minds and talents! 

10.  Everyone should see Florencia en el Amazonas because…. 
It’s an incredibly beautiful journey of this group of people who are transformed by the end of the story. The music is lush and enveloping – just gorgeous! 

Don’t miss the chance to see Levi in the Madison Opera premiere of the beautiful Florencia en el Amazonas. Performances are April 27 and April 29 in Overture Hall.  Tickets start at $18; visit for more information.

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