
Meet the Artists – Quinn Bernegger

Quinn Bernegger

Henrik Egerman

  1. Where were you born and raised?
    I was born and raised in Cooperstown, New York, just five minutes up the road from Glimmerglass Opera. But I only saw a handful of opera productions growing up!
  2. If you weren’t a singer, what profession would you be in?
    Grassroots political activism. I nearly applied for a job with, which actually emerged from my alma mater.
  3. The first opera I was ever in was…
    L’Italiana in Algeri as a chorister in a mechanic coverall. One of the most fun productions I’ve ever done—it quickly got me hooked on opera.
  4. My favorite opera is…
    If I’m talking strictly about grand opera, then I’ll always have a soft spot for Madama Butterfly. It was the first opera on record I listened to on repeat the way I would listen to my favorite pop albums. But if anything is fair game, honestly, A Little Night Music is closest to my heart. It only gets more special the older I get.
  5. My favorite food to eat is…
    It’s hard for anything to top sushi in my book. Maybe Mexican food? I hear sushi burritos are a thing now… has anyone tried that?
  6. People would be surprised to know that…
    I was a chemistry major for 3.5 years in college before I switched to a full music degree. Also I don’t play cello…or do I? (You decide).
  7. If I could spend a ‘weekend in the country’ anywhere, real or fantasy, I would visit…
    Hogwarts. I mean, come on.
  8. I like to binge-watch…
    Not everyone knows it, but the show Dark on Netflix is fantastic! It’s German and has a Stranger Things vibe, but with a more grown-up darkness and an amazing scoring. Henrik would love it, I think.
  9. What four people (living or deceased) would you like to invite for a dinner party?
    Robin Williams, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kelli O’Hara, and Marcus Aurelius. It’s going to be a strange night.
  10. Everyone should see A Little Night Music because….
    There are so many moments in this piece where a line or a piece of music feels instantly familiar and timeless. I hope you leave with the same nostalgic comfort that I feel every time we’re in rehearsal.
  11. Bonus: One question you wish someone would ask you (and the answer).
    Q: What’s your best singing vocal impression?
    Michael McDonald, hands-down.

Find out more about Quinn and our other artists, and don’t miss the chance to see him perform Henrik Egerman in A Little Night Music. Performances are February 8 and 10 in Capitol Theater.  Tickets start at $25!




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